"Cities by Night | Bergamo" by Valentina Medda
28 April - 30 May 2022
9th edition of Festival ORLANDO, Bergamo
Cities by Night Across Borders di Valentina Medda
Cities by Night Across Borders
We are happy to announce that within the 9th edition of Festival ORLANDO we will host the first stage of Cities by Night Across Borders - a project created from the art work of Valentina Medda and the interaction of three cultural entities: Festival ORLANDO (Italy), Rosendal International Theatre (Norway), Artpolis /FemArt Festival (Kosovo).
Cities by Night Across Borders is a participatory project dealing with women's perception of danger in the urban environment. On 28 April the exhibition Cities by Night | Bergamo will be inaugurated, a collection of maps showing perceptions and impressions of the routes taken on foot by some of the women involved in the intensive workshop conducted by the artist Valentina Medda in December 2021. The exhibition will be open to the public from Friday 29 April to Sunday 8 May 2022.
On 30 May, in collaboration with the partners, the digital forum will be attended by professionals who wish to learn more about the international project in its various stages, aimed at exploring the urban horizons of the three European cities involved. Cities by Night Across Borders is a Perform Europe-funded project that aims to investigate new patterns of sustainable mobility in the performing arts.
Valentina Medda is an interdisciplinary artist from Sardinia who currently lives and works in Bologna. Her artistic practice unfolds between image, performance and site-specific interventions, standing on the blurred boundary that delimits public and private, body and architecture, city and social belonging. Her work has been exhibited in different national and international contexts, from Bologna, Milan, Cagliari to Paris, New York, Beirut, Brussels and Amsterdam, as a guest of both galleries and Performing Arts Festivals - among these the Festival of Santarcangelo in Romagna, the AUAWIRLEBEN of Bern (CH), the OPENBARE WERKEN of Gent (BE), Danza Urbana in Bologna. In the last years she has been artist in residence at VOORUIT in Gent (BXL), BAR in Beirut, Cité de arts in Paris, Flux Factory in NY, Les bains connective in Brussels, MaisonVentidue in Bologna. In 2019 she was invited to be part of MiBACT's Grand Tour d'Italie, and received, among others, the Cimetta Fund for artistic mobility, the Movin up of the Emilia Romagna Region, the IAP Mentorship of NYFA - New York Foundation for Arts, and the Tina Art PRIZE, an international award for Contemporary Art. More recently, with the project Cities by Night Across Borders, the result of the partnership built with Festival ORLANDO, Rosendal Teater and Artpolis, she has been selected among the 19 winners of the European call Perform Europe. Among her curatorial projects: Architecture and Desire, Flux Factory, Queens - NY; Marginalia: On the Edges of Art, Money & Access Brunch + Art salon, Flux Factory Queens - NY; In Cantiere#1 and #2, with Elisa Del Prete, Bologna (IT).
Perform Europe is an EU-funded project aimed to rethink how performing arts works are presented across borders in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way by testing new touring and distribution practices and providing policy recommendations for a future EU support scheme. This 18-month journey includes a research phase, launching a digital platform, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations. Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and co-managed by a Consortium of 5 organisations: IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, the European Festivals Association (EFA), Circostrada, EDN – European Dancehouse Network, and IDEA Consult.
Cities by Night | Bergamo
An initiative of Festival ORLANDO
This presentation is happening with the support of Perform Europe as part of the Cities By Night Across Borders project
With the collaboration of The Blank Contemporary Art
Partner Accademia di belle arti G. Carrara
This presentation is happening with the support of Perform Europe as part of the Cities By Night Across Borders project
With the collaboration of The Blank Contemporary Art
Partner Accademia di belle arti G. Carrara